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Professor Hermann Dischler

25th September 1866 – 20th March 1935

Hermann Dischler was born on the 25th of September in 1866 in Freiburg i.Br. He received his artistic training in the art school in Karlsruhe, he was student of Gustav Schönleber. Thereafter he was engaged as a painter in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald area.

1894, after he finished his studies, he built himself an artist’s workroom in Freiburg i.Br. At this time he went on a lot of trips and his trusty camera followed him everywhere. Five years later he started to number and comment his artworks, which he collected in 29 «Bildbüchern (books of pictures)».

In the winter months from 1905 to 1907 he stayed in the Todtnauer Hütte, where a lot of his oil studies arise.
The snowy winter landscapes became his typical theme and he called himself «Schneemoler (snowpainter)». 1917 he received his professorship by Grand Duke Friedrich II.

In 1927 he had an exhibition with artists like Curt Liebich, Julius Heffner, Wilhelm Nagel, Wilhelm Wickertsheimer a.o., they called themselves «Die Schwarzwälder (the Black Forests)». He died on the 20th of March in 1935 in Hinterzarten. Today his works are extremely appreciated because the snowy landscape present the untouched nature.

Lit: Exhibition Catalogue Augustiner Museum, Freiburg i.Br., 1993

Professor Hermann Dischler

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Winterauktionen 20.–21.11.2020
Caulitz, Peter circle of
1650 Berlin - 1719 ibid.
Old stone bridge on the river.
Oil on panel. Unsigned. Paint loss, cracks. Restored.
H 77, W 111,5 cm.
The Berlin painter Peter Caulitz, who came from a humble background, acquired an undisputed mastery in landscape and animal painting through his years of apprenticeship and travels in Italy, about which we know little today. In 1695 he even received the prestigious position as a painter at the splendid Prussian court under Elector Frederick III. In the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Braunschweig there are three paintings from his hand, which resemble the present work from the painter's circle in format, motif and composition as well as in the reproduction of the figures, the trees and the foliage (inventory numbers 741, 1042, 1043).
Assessment: We would like to thank Ms Ellis Dullaart, Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis (RKD), Den Haag, and Dr. Silke Gatenbröcker, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig, for the scientific advice and the friendly remarks via E-Mail, based on photos, 08.09.2020.

deutsch Caulitz, Peter Umkreis
1650 Berlin - 1719 ebd.
Alte Steinbrücke am Fluss.
Öl auf Holz. Unsign. Farbfehlstellen, Risse. Altrest.
H. 77, B. 111,5 cm.
Der Berliner Maler Peter Caulitz, aus einfachen Verhältnissen stammend, erwarb durch seine Lehr- und Wanderjahre in Italien, über die wir heute wenig wissen, eine unangefochtene Meisterschaft in der Landschafts- und Tiermalerei. 1695 gelang es ihm sogar, einen begehrten Posten als Maler am glanzvollen preußischen Hof unter Kurfürst Friedrich III. zu erlangen.
Im Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Braunschweig befinden sich drei Gemälde aus seiner Hand, die dem vorliegenden Werk aus dem Umkreis des Malers in Format, Motiv und Komposition sowie in der Wiedergabe der Figuren, der Bäume und des Laubs ähneln (Inventarnrn. 741, 1042, 1043).
Beurteilung: Wir danken Frau Ellis Dullaart, Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis (RKD), Den Haag, und Frau Dr. Silke Gatenbröcker, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig, für die wissenschaftliche Beratung und die freundlichen Hinweise via E-Mail, anhand von Photos, 08.09.2020.

starting price: 900,- EUR